My Telco Mate is an Australian Internet Service Provider who we made for the people. People like you.

There were three options.




And could pick two.

Fast and Cheap. Good luck trying to stream videos. Uh, network’s down. 🙁

Cheap and Reliable. Yay! But it will take you a year to download that tiny photo your Mum sent you.

Reliable and Fast. But it’s going to cost you your first child and a the equivalent of a down-payment on a car.


We wanted to make connecting to the internet easy. And stay connected. AND affordable.

How? A little bit of magic and a whole lot of work. But we did it.

Partnering with the Tier 1 networks, we have the Reliability and Speed.

And to keep costs down, we have online and phone support. No fancy offices here. Unlimited instant coffee and a team of hard working people dedicated to keep you happy.



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